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The Tabernacle
Instructor: Deanna Endris
Lesson Times:
Discover the many types and shadows found in the Tabernacle plan that God gave to Moses, and how it is a picture of God’s New Testament plan.
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The Oneness of God
Instructor: Jesse Arcand
Is God one or three? This class is in an in-depth study of the Oneness of God and clearly proves from the Holy Scriptures that God is one.
Ministry of the Apostles II
Instructor: Dallas Palmer
The zeal and passion for evangelism as exampled by the Apostles of the 1st century Church is, without question, where the Church of today must return. This is an up-close and personal look at true Apostolic ministry as recorded in the last 21 chapters of the book of Acts.
Pastoral Studies I
Instructor: Lee Endris
The Church is living in unprecedented times. Today’s pastor has challenges totally unique to their generation. This class is designed to equip those whom God has called to be pastors and those who assist pastors.
The Epistles
Epistles are “letters”, and letters have always been an effective way to communicate. God chose letters to effectively communicate HIS will and purpose to HIS church. This course is designed to give a summary of each letter.
The New Birth
Jesus said you must be born again. This class teaches the essentiality of the new birth as recorded in John 3:5 and exactly what is required to be born again
Equipping the Apostolic Minister I
There are many preachers, but not many ministers. The primary focus of the Equipping the Apostolic Minister series is to bring balance to both the spiritual and the practical aspects of ministry. Level I primarily deals with the call to ministry, and exactly what that means.
Leadership II
This course strives to stretch the leader to a high level of understanding and ability as a leader. Because of the uniqueness of our times, you will be challenged to accept nothing less than a standard of excellence.
Aaron Soto920-738-7800
2720 Kesting Ct.Appleton, WI 54911
Tony Adams317-214-1987
Dajwor 14Krakow, 31-261
Robert Bieszk920-917-4244
3337 S. Business Dr.Sheboygan, WI 53081
701 Hillcrest HeightsGreen Bay, WI 54313
Lee Endris920-434-1800